Europe is far more than London, Paris and Rome

It’s hilltop gems such as Todi in Umbria and Vejer de la Frontera in Andalusia. It’s beautiful yellow-stoned Cotswold villages in England. It’s the picturesque French villages of Loubressac and Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne. And the idyllic Grecian blue waters of Antipaxos.

And at Diamond Skies Travel, we want to show you what makes Europe, Europe: a slower pace a life, sitting in cafes watching the world go by, small and grandiose Europe and of course food, glorious food. Our trips are also about experiencing the countries, from wine tasting to cocktail making, from zipping around on Vespas to sketching and painting, and from dance lessons to cookery classes.

 In short, a Diamond Skies trip is about moments, not just monuments.

Why Diamond Skies Travel?

We are true European experts with decades of experience on the road and our team has either lived or currently lives in: Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK. And that’s before you consider the fact that we have tour guided/tour managed all of Europe between us all. We love the fact that in a short period of time you can encounter different languages, histories, foods, weather, topography, architecture and even senses of humour!

And thanks to all our years spent living and working here, we have an amazing little black book of contacts, ensuring that you don’t have to spend the years looking for all the hidden gems like we did, we’ve done the hard work for you!